


2024年8月24日A股市场延续了之前的整理态势,市场热点题材持续轮动。在8月22日的交易中,上证指数小幅下跌0.27%,收于2848.77点;深证成指下跌0.82%,收于8162.18点;创业板指下跌0.76%,收于1546.63点。沪深两市合计成交5491亿元,较前一日有所放量,但仍处于较低水平。银行板块近期逆势走强,特别是国有银行股屡创新高,其中工商银行股价创历史新高,今年以来累计涨幅扩大至41% %u3002

此外,固态电池概念在市场中表现强势,鹏辉能源等公司股价涨停。市场分析认为,随着政策支持和企业研发投入的增加,全固态电池有望在2027年实现量产,并在2030年开始降本 。

从机构观点来看,招商证券策略团队认为A股市场底部特征逐渐显现,关键指数的交易活动处于极度低位,历史上类似情况出现后,多数情况下市场会见到阶段底部并反弹 。

高盛研究部对中国股市保持谨慎乐观态度,预计2024年中国GDP增速为4.8%,认为经济情势改善有望推动企业盈利回升,且A股估值处于历史低位,因此维持对A股的“高配”立场 。

在解禁方面,2024年A股市场解禁市值达到34769.40亿元,其中8月解禁市值为全年最大,达到5817.55亿元 。

最后,市场分析指出,8月底是一个重要的时间节点,中报业绩披露完毕后,中小盘股票可能会迎来一波超跌反弹行情,届时中小盘的弹性将远高于大盘股 。

On August 24, 2024, the A-share market continued its previous consolidation trend, with market hot spots and themes continuing to rotate. In the trading on August 22, the Shanghai Composite Index fell slightly by 0.27%, closing at 2,848.77 points; the Shenzhen Component Index fell by 0.82%, closing at 8,162.18 points; the ChiNext Index fell by 0.76%, closing at 1,546.63 points. The total turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 549.1 billion yuan, which increased compared to the previous day but was still at a relatively low level. The banking sector has been strong against the trend recently, especially the state-owned bank stocks that have repeatedly set new highs, with the stock price of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China setting a historical high, and the cumulative increase since the beginning of the year has expanded to 41%.

In addition, the solid-state battery concept has performed strongly in the market, with the stock prices of companies such as Penghui Energy hitting the daily limit. Market analysis believes that with policy support and increased investment in corporate research and development, all-solid-state batteries are expected to achieve mass production in 2027 and start to reduce costs in 2030.

From the perspective of institutional views, the strategy team of China Merchants Securities believes that the bottom characteristics of the A-share market are gradually emerging, and the trading activities of key indices are at an extremely low level. Historically, after similar situations, the market has seen a bottom and rebounded in most cases.

Goldman Sachs Research maintains a cautious optimism about the Chinese stock market, expecting China's GDP growth rate to be 4.8% in 2024, and believes that the improvement of the economic situation is expected to drive the recovery of corporate earnings, and the valuation of A-shares is at a historical low, so it maintains a "high allocation" position for A-shares.

In terms of unlocking, the unlocking market value of the A-share market in 2024 reaches 3,476.94 billion yuan, of which the unlocking market value in August is the largest throughout the year, reaching 581.755 billion yuan.

Finally, market analysis points out that the end of August is an important time node. After the mid-year performance is disclosed, small and medium-sized stocks may usher in a wave of oversold rebound, and at that time, the elasticity of small and medium-sized stocks will be far higher than that of large-cap stocks.